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I Remember...

A lot of Americans do not remember Ronald Reagan. Well, I do. I remember coming out of the defeatist malaise of the 70's to a vision of once again being the "city on a hill." I remember coming out of what we thought would be a perpetual communist threat and witnessing the collapse of the Soviet Union. I remember digging out of what we thought would be a perpetual inflationary economy with its choking 20% prime rates. I remember a speech about "The Boys of Point Du Hoc" and many others. I remember optimism, confidence, hope (the real kind), and patriotism (the real kind); I remember the F-111s making a believer out of Qaddafi. I remember a President who earned and kept the respect of congress. I remember a President who walked into the hospital with a bullet in him. I remember believing this country is going to make it. I'm sorry for those who do not remember.

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